8B End of Unit Test 1 Which sentence describes respiration? A When your lungs take in and blow out air. B When your cells release energy using a chemical reaction. Name the gaseous product of respiration NTScience. Name the muscular organ that pumps blood around the body NTScience. This lesson was designed for a middle ability group in year 8, all resources included. Very interactive, self learning lesson, and received very positive feedback. Which statement is FALSE concerning diet and respiration? chemical energy stored in fibre cannot be used because the fibre cannot be digested. 8B Respiration Contents (21) carbon dioxide (0. 04) other How could you test for the differences between inhaled and exhaled air? Exploring Science for QCA Teacher's Guide 8. Pearson End of Unit Test marks. End of Unit Test 1 Which sentence describes respiration? 8B Exploring Science End of Unit Test (continued) Page 5 of 5 Study the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration and how the human gas exchange system works. Unit 8A (Food and Digestion) and Unit 8B (Respiration) Question No. 1(97) 3 2(01) 3 3(05) 3 4(99) 4 5(97) 5 Level 5 6 7 6 5. Unit 8B Respiration We can test for the presence of the extra carbon dioxide in exhaled air using limewater. If we exhale into limewater, it turns cloudy white. Exploring Science for QCA Teacher's Guide 8. Pearson End of Unit Test marks glucose is needed for respiration; carbon dioxide. KS3 science biology Quiz on RESPIRATION (8B) Click [? , Which of the following matches the word respiration? What is the correct equation for aerobic respiration? Glucose ethanol and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide oxygen glucose and oxygen. 8B Mark schemes Exploring Science glucose is needed for respiration; Matching End of Unit Test marks to NC levels Level Marks Cumulative Suggested Oct 22, 2014Learn how photosynthesis and respiration are connected to each other. A doublesided worksheet for students to complete as a revision aid at the end of topic 8B Respiration End of Unit Test marks Question Level Answer Mark scheme 1 6 B 1 mark 2 4 a digestive system 1 mark 3 4 a the heart 1 mark 6 b between 3 and 5 seconds 1 mark 7 c Oxygenglucose needs to get to the muscles faster; oxygenglucose is carried in the blood; oxygenglucose is needed for respiration; carbon dioxide needs to be removed from the muscles faster. Exploring Science 8B Respiration. Respiration and breathing are not the same thing: respiration releases energy, while breathing lets air into and out of our lungs. The following revision games and activities are to help students learning about respiration. In many KS3 schemes of work this will be unit 8B.